Certification for Respiratory and Tobacco Educators


CNRC is the organization that certifies healthcare professionals as Certified Asthma, Respiratory
and Tobacco Educators. There are approximately 3,000 Certified Asthma (CAEs), COPD (CCEs), Respiratory (CREs) and Tobacco (CTEs) Educators across Canada, the United States,
and internationally.

This multidisciplinary group of educators represents a range of healthcare professionals, including: respiratory therapists, nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists.


Certification for US Educators


CNRC also offers a credential for healthcare professionals in the US – the Certified COPD
Educator (CCE).


National Conference on Respiratory Care & Education


CNRC offers an annual conference for healthcare professionals on respiratory care and education.
The focus of this conference is on asthma, COPD, allergy, smoking cessation and education.
Our next conference will take place in person, November 16th -18th, 2023 in Vancouver, BC.





Respiratory and Tobacco

perform a
critical role

in improving
the lives of
living with


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